The Facts About Lynvale

The products we produce speak for themselves , however if you have yet to receive any product from us , then you would probably like to know how we are so confident that we are the best people to deal with for you your adhesive foams and gaskets shapes and tapes. Here a re a few facts about our business that will hopefully impress.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

This latest achievement reflects our continued drive to delivering the very best products and customer experience.

- ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Millions of Pounds of Investment

18 Converting Machines and counting make sure that every product is manufactured with best tool for the job and to the highest degree of accuracy and quality that all our customers have come to expect from us.

- Millions of Pounds of Investment

Nearly 100 Years Combined Experience

Our Managing Director has 30 Years Experience in this industry ( He would have got less time inside for robbing a bank and could now be living on a tropical island! ) this coupled with high staff retention the combined industry experience that we can call on adds up to 100 years.

- Over 50 Years Combined Experience

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